(Google Adwords, Bing, Seznam, Yandex etc)

The VELUX trademark as keyword

VELUX dealers are allowed by both Google and the VELUX Group to buy the VELUX trademark as keyword in all search engines to drive traffic to landing pages selling and promoting VELUX products only.

VELUX dealers are not allowed to use the VELUX trademark to drive traffic to landing pages selling or promoting competitor products.

The VELUX trademark in adtexts

It is always allowed for dealers to use a trademark as a subdomain in the display url of an adtext e.g. www.xxxxx.xx/VELUX

Google only allows the trademark owner to use a trademark in the headline and description lines in adtexts (GB/IE/US/CA excepted). The trademark owner needs to authorize your Google account to use their trademark in your adtexts. However, due to the VELUX Group’s market position, it will not grant this authorization to VELUX dealers. Instead, you should write “roof window blinds” in the adtext.

The VELUX Group and Google do not tolerate use of text manipulation e.g. “VELUXblinds” in adtexts. The VELUX Group registers any violation and reports to Google. Text manipulation is considered a violation.

Google Shopping (PLA)

The VELUX trademark as keyword

VELUX dealers are allowed by both Google and the VELUX Group to buy the VELUX trademark as keyword in all search engines to drive traffic to landing pages selling and promoting only VELUX products.

VELUX dealers are not allowed to use the VELUX trademark to drive traffic to landing pages that sell or promote competitor products.

Text in Google Shopping

Google and the VELUX Group allow all VELUX dealers to use the VELUX trademark in Google Shopping text, e.g. “VELUX windows” or “VELUX blinds”.

VELUX dealers are not allowed to call compatible blinds for VELUX blinds.

Images in Google Shopping

VELUX dealers are recommended to use original VELUX product images in Google Shopping.

VELUX dealers are not allowed to insert the VELUX logo in the images in Google Shopping.


Page titles, meta descriptions, headlines/headings, ALT tags in images and link building

VELUX dealers are encouraged to use the VELUX trademark, e.g. “VELUX roof windows” or “VELUX blinds” in page titles, headlines/headings, and in meta descriptions on pages only that sell or promote VELUX products to ensure a better organic ranking.

VELUX dealers are also welcome to include the VELUX trademark in ALT tags in images to ensure that VELUX products in image results are displayed.

VELUX dealers can link build on the VELUX trademark keywords on the pages that sell VELUX products only.

When the VELUX logo is used on pages that sell or promote VELUX products, VELUX dealers are encouraged to link to the local VELUX website.

VELUX dealers should not use the VELUX trademark in page titles, meta description, headlines/headings and ALT tags in images to drive traffic to landing pages that sell or promote competitor products.

VELUX dealers should not use the VELUX trademark for link building into pages that sell or promote competitor products.